Tough Stuff from Jesus (6)

Tough Stuff from Jesus (6)

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Tough Stuff from Jesus (6)                              4-25-21

Bottom Line: The only way to conquer anxiety in life is to put your trust in God.


 A. FB posts about being old enough to remember when…

   1. Phone on the wall, wrote cursive, & changed channels

   2. I remember beginning a sermon 40 years ago by saying, “Today I’m going to talk about a word that’s not in the Bible.” Worry is not in the KJV. It’s in all the newer ones.

 B. We’d say, “Don’t worry about it!” The KJV said, “Take no thought” and others, anxious, overly concerned, or fret!

   1. Telling people to not worry is like telling them to not breath, eat, or sleep. We are going to do it!

   2. The key: obsessed, overwhelmed, dominated, ruled…

   3. Matt.6:24-34, Doing things that keep us from seeking!

 C. Jesus said, “Do not worry about your life…” yet we do!

   1. One study: average person worries 1 hour 50 min. a day

   2. Almost 28 full days per year, 5 years of your adult life!

   3. 84% of us have lost sleep over worrying!

 D. One study of the top 10 things we worry about:

   1. Work, 2. Money, 3. Being late, 4. A friend or relative’s health, 5. Our health, 6. Relationships, 7. Missing a plane or bus, 8. Not waking up to our alarm, 9. Our appearance, and 10. Our family’s safety

 E. Psychological Health Care – 4 Common Worries we all share!

   1. Money & the future     2. Job Security

   3. Relationships                4. Health

 F. Worry is part of life! When we care we are concerned!

   1. Paul challenged us, “Do not be anxious for anything…”

   2. In 2 Corinthians 11 list of sufferings and hardships the last and biggest was his concern for all the churches!

 G. Why is it important to keep them under control or at least in some kind of balance?  Three principles of worrying…

1. Our worries define our priorities!  Visual help…

 A. Context of Jesus’ message: treasure & money master

 B. “Is not life more important…” What’s important to you?

 C. This is why love of money is the root of all evil.

2. Our worries spring from our lack of control! Visual help…

 A. We don’t worry about what we are in control of!

 B. Too much focus on how we look to others. Vs.28-32

 C. We are confused about who is in control. 1 Pet.5:6-8

3. Our worries clarify Satan’s target! Visual help…

 A. Where is Satan going to attack us? Our worries!

 B. He attacks our poor priorities & lack of control!

 C. Look at what pulls you from God! 4 common worries!

   *Money & future, Job, Relationship, & Health?


A. Studies show on average, 91.39% of worries did not come true! That means only 8.61% did!

B. Notice the timing of this lesson from Jesus! Early in ministry! Follower worried about following him! Food, etc.

C. For 3+ years Jesus showed them there was no worry that was too big for him to handle! Do you believe that?


Bible Study for Sunday, April 25, 2021

Tough Stuff From Jesus (6)

1.  How has your list of things to worry about changed over the years? What is different now from when you were young?

2.  What kind of worries have you lost sleep over?

3.  Are there “good” worries and “bad” worries? Why? When? How?

4.  What have you always thought about Jesus’ challenge in Matthew 6:24-34 to “not worry about your life”?

5.  Are we sinning if we worry? Why or why not?

6.  What do you think the top four common worries are?

7.  Are we supposed to not worry or is it a matter of keeping them under control or balanced in some way?

8.  Why do our worries define our priorities? Or do they?

9.  Is it accurate to say that our worries usually come from a lack of control? Why or why not?

10. Why do our worries become targets for Satan?

11. What would you say is the percentage of your worries that actually came true?